IN CONVERSATION : ASHA PUTHLI with Adriana Lazaridis and Shawn Lee (Rising) [Melbourne]
IN CONVERSATION : ASHA PUTHLI with Adriana Lazaridis and Shawn Lee (Rising) [Melbourne]

Event Information


Friday June 7, 2024
7:00 PM


The Capitol
113 Swanston St
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Auslan Interpreter/s

Nay King & Amber Richardson

Language/ Cultural Consultant


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A candid conversation with the disco diva, the jazz icon, the fashion muse, the psych explorer—the one and only Asha Puthli.

An underappreciated icon. A cosmopolitan pioneer. A self-identified space cadet. Asha Puthli sits down with DJ/certified positive energy source Adriana Lazaridis, along with Asha’s musical director Shawn Lee, to discuss the artist’s career as one of the most singular and successful vocalists to come out of India.

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