Jintulu (People of the Sun) [Perth]
Jintulu (People of the Sun) [Perth]

Event Information


Friday February 16, 2024
5:30 PM


Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery – University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009

Auslan Interpreter/s

Franki Lynne

Language/ Cultural Consultant



Visit website

Presented in association with with the Berndt Museum and Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery

Jintulu (People of the Sun) is an exhibition by Martu artist Curtis Taylor in collaboration with Persian South African artist Natalie Scholtz and Walmajarri artist Terry Murray. Using filmmaking, photography, installation and painting, the three artists present a powerful exploration of colonialism, race relations and Indigenous storytelling in both Australia and South Africa.

Experience a new reading of the significant art collections of the Berndt Museum, Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art and The University of Western Australia Art Collection as they are placed in conversation with new works, uncovering the shifting perspectives of a dynamic and turbulent contemporary Australia.

Location Map