Event Information
Thursday May 12, 2022
6:30 PM
WA Museum Boola Bardip, Perth Cultural Centre Perth
Roe St
Perth, Western Australia 6000
Auslan Interpreter/s
Luke Eastman & Trish Townsend
Language/ Cultural Consultant
What can be done in our community to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities and risk factors of human trafficking?
Human trafficking is one of the most challenging and relevant problems in modern times. People are trafficked worldwide regardless of race, gender or age. They are exploited for sexual services, forced servitude, labour or marriage, debt bonding and organ harvesting.
Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery and has been classified as a crime against humanity. Highly organised criminal networks of perpetrators traffic people globally and it is hard to scope the extent of human trafficking because it is not highly visible.
Join our panel of experts as they discuss what can be done in our community to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities and risk factors of human trafficking that violate so many rights; the right to freedom, autonomy, human dignity to be free of exploitation, abuse and slavery.