Home ▹ Shows List ▹ SUPER DISCOUNT [Melbourne]
Event Information
Tuesday November 26, 2013
12:00 AM
Malthouse Theatre
113 Sturt Street
Southbank, Victoria 3006
Auslan Interpreter/s
Nicole Maher & Therese Lewis
Language/ Cultural Consultant
James Blyth
A journey into the realms of heroism and imagination.
When life gets too difficult, it’s time to create a new superhero. With a waiting room full of hopeful actors, the quest is on to find ‘the one’ who fills the Lycra suit.
Following Back to Back Theatre’s elegantly sly, internationally acclaimed Ganesh Versus the Third Reich, comes the company’s next excursion to the limits of theatrical wonder. Inspired by the cartoon creations of Tim Sharp, Super Discount is a riotous spectacle that unleashes multiple realities upon its unsuspecting audience.