25th MIL-PRA AECG Aboriginal Exhibition [Sydney]
25th MIL-PRA AECG Aboriginal Exhibition [Sydney]

Event Information


Saturday September 17, 2016
12:00 PM


Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
1 Powerhouse Road
Casula, NSW 2170

Auslan Interpreter/s


Language/ Cultural Consultant



Visit website

(Exhibition opening will  be Auslan Interpreted)

The annual Mil-Pra AECG exhibition and art prize continues to be a vital component of the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre’s yearly exhibition program and we acknowledge the need to celebrate the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in our region and beyond.

For the 25th anniversary, the Mil-Pra AECG Award will be awarded to the artist whose work celebrates the history and spirit of the Mil-Pra AECG Exhibition. Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre are proud to continue supporting the $1000 Mil-Pra AECG Award, the $2000 acquisitive Maria Lock Award and the $3000 acquisitive Mayor’s Choice Award.

Location Map