Bringing the Past to Life (SWF) [Sydney]
Bringing the Past to Life (SWF) [Sydney]

Event Information


Friday May 26, 2023
10:00 AM


Carriageworks Bay 17
245 Wilson Street
Eveleigh, NSW

Auslan Interpreter/s

Isabella Haigh & Will Tapp

Language/ Cultural Consultant


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In skilled hands, historical fiction brings the past to life in surprising ways. It also helps us make sense of our present, and even offers foreknowledge of the future. Hear from some of the country’s finest writers of historical novels – Geraldine Brooks (Horse), Pip Williams (The Bookbinder of Jericho) and emerging talent Sally Colin-James (One Illumined Thread) – as they discuss the past as prologue and how they convincingly intertwine fact and fiction in their work. This panel event is hosted by ABC RN’s The Bookshelf’s Kate Evans.

Supported by ARA.

Auslan Stage Left extends thanks to Sydney Writers’ Festival for ongoing support of Auslan access! 

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