Campfire Program: Leempeeyt Weeyn’ [Melbourne]
Campfire Program: Leempeeyt Weeyn' [Melbourne]

Event Information


Friday June 19, 2015
5:30 PM


Federation Square
Corner Swanston St & Flinders St
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Auslan Interpreter/s

Marc Ethan and Lyn Gordon

Language/ Cultural Consultant


This is a FREE event!

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Find warmth in the celebration of the oldest form of light: fire.

Leempyt Weeyn’ was created by artist Vicki Couzens for the very first The Light in Winter in 2007. This campfire is a space out of time in the heart of the city. The fire is a symbol of resistance and a place for coming together, both artistic and spiritual. It is host to a diverse mix of artists who provide both light and enlightenment at the darkest time of year.

This year The Light in Winter communities are invited to place an offering at Leempeeyt Weeyn’ in Offerings Of Hope – Yoonggamateeyt Manakuwiya. Each offering will be consumed by the fire, at dusk on Sunday 21 June before the fire is doused. Through ritual burning, each offering becomes part of the flames. Through the transformative medium of fire, the collective intent of hope resonates across The Square, across Melbourne and across Country.

Curatorial assistance by Rob Bundle and Uncle Larry Walsh.

Artistic works will also take place around the campfire as part of Square of Light, a three year project created with VicHealth’s Arts About Us program. The project addresses questions of inclusion, race and power through digital, language-based and transitory media.

Full program of events coming soon.

Location Map