Comedy On The Rocks (MICF) [Melbourne]
Comedy On The Rocks (MICF) [Melbourne]

Event Information


Friday April 8, 2022
9:00 PM


Palace of Magnificent Experiences
267 Swan St
Melbourne, Victoria 3121

Auslan Interpreter/s

Linda D'Ornay

Language/ Cultural Consultant


Auslan tickets on this link here

Visit website

Auslan special offer tickets:

ENTER CODE : AUSLANCOTR for $25 tickets for the dates of Friday 8th April at 9pm and Sunday 17th April 5pm


Welcome to Comedy On The Rocks – a theatre drinking game!

The gist:
– Grab a drink as you chuckle and chortle the night away with five short comedy plays by Melbourne comedians and writers.
– All plays will include the same three special moments revealed on the night:
An action (eg. an actor jumps)
Use of a prop (eg. a fry pan)
A line of dialogue (eg. “speak of the devil” )
– When you see the moment, cheer and have a drink!
– Drink responsibly!

The line-up changes every fortnight for those who want to come play again.

Hosted by Cat & Caz who have brought Australia such comedy gems such as Blood Is Thicker Than Hummus, Let Meowt!, Cafe Play!. Well That Was Awkward and I’m Just Not That Interesting.

Visit the #MICF page here

Location Map