Event Information
Wednesday May 28, 2014
6:00 PM
Level 2, The Wheeler Centre
176 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Auslan Interpreter/s
Angela Maclean & Marc Ethan
Language/ Cultural Consultant
The Pitch brings together leading publishers and editors to give you a unique behind the scenes perspective of publishing – how they best like to be approached by writers, how they discover new writers and your best pathways to publication. What’s the difference between pitching a magazine and building up to a book-length work? Is digital changing the way we submit? Are there better success rates for genre vs literary, fiction vs nonfiction? As always, we allow for maximum question time from the audience.
Featuring Julia Carlomagno (Scribe), Sam Cooney (The Lifted Brow), Patrick Lenton (Momentum Moonlight) and Vanessa Radnidge (Hachette). Hosted by writer Nina Gibb.