Event Information
Sunday June 1, 2014
6:15 PM
Level 2, The Wheeler Centre
176 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Auslan Interpreter/s
Sarah Howell & Michelle Ashley
Language/ Cultural Consultant
Writers with disability take over The Salon during the Emerging Writers’ Festival. This poignant and political event will showcase stories from six emerging writers. Following a series of advocacy and life-writing workshops for writers with disability, the Write-ability Salon will unearth the sort of unique and powerful stories that usually go untold. Hosted by Carly Findlay.
Carly Findlay is an award-winning writer, speaker and appearance activist – she shares what it’s like to live with a visible difference. Her work has been published on The Guardian, Daily Life, BlogHer, ABC Ramp Up, Mamamia and in Frankie Magazine. She has a Master of Communication from RMIT University, and completed her thesis on the way blogging can give people with a chronic illness a sense of identity. Carly blogs at carlyfindlay.blogspot.com.