Event Information
Sunday May 18, 2014
1:00 PM
Workshop Space (Level 4), The Wheeler Centre,
176 Little Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Auslan Interpreter/s
Erin Gook
Language/ Cultural Consultant
Presented by: Paddy O’Reilly
Rating: Emerging
Type: Workshop
Characters are the soul of fiction and plot is what they do to each other. This workshop will look at how to reveal characters in the narrative without judging or explaining what we think of them, and will question how we invite the reader to “know” our characters.
Paddy O’Reilly has published two novels and a short story collection. Her latest novel will be published in 2014.
The morning will be broken into two parts: a session with the tutor (9:30am-12:30pm) followed by a facilitated writing group (12:30pm-2:30pm). The afternoon will be broken into two parts: a session with the tutor (1-4pm) followed by a facilitated writing group (4-6pm).