Group Conversations; Australia’s Shame Closing Night [Melbourne]
Group Conversations; Australia's Shame Closing Night [Melbourne]

Event Information


Wednesday May 3, 2017
4:30 PM


First Floor, Union House
University of Melbourne
Melbourne , Victoria

Auslan Interpreter/s

Dave Childs & Sarah Howell

Language/ Cultural Consultant


public event

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Public event at George Paton Gallery – find out more about it here:
Partcipatng artsts:
Amber-Rose Aktnson, Melena Jane Aktnson, Paul Barnes, Billy Coulthurst, Sean Mc Dowell, Edwina Green, Jordie Halsall, Sam Harrison, Mark Hoffman, Naoise Halloran-Mackay, Jamira Hunter, Aurora Materia, Josh Muir, Hannah Nilsson, Tiriki Onus, Isabel Rumble, Madeline Simm, Bronte Stolz, Khi-Lee Thorpe, and others
Coordinated by Sam Harrison
Airports are sterile places and Cairns airport is no excepton. A young boy, no more than 13 is led in, escorted by two mountains in blue. His eyes sparkle, his grin is lopsided. His blue shirt is a bit baggy and his summer shorts a little too small. Upright, with arms pinned to his sides by bru sh hands. Feet dragging a little, being carried a little. His eyes go past, seeing, but not seeing us. We are part of the crowd. And then he’s gone, hidden behind airport security doors.
I am a young Australian Indigenous artst and curator. Kamilaroi on my father’s side and English on my mother’s. Family, learning, identity, healing and protest are the central themes of my practce. I am the second of four brothers who have had little chance to meet. Thoughts of incarceraton, institutionalization and child detenon have always troubled me, especially in regards to my little brothers.
Group Conversatons; Australia’s Shame is the manifestaton of my own want to discuss these issues with as many people as possible around me, in light of the recent mainstream media spotlight on the ABC Four Corners episode “Australia’s Shame” and the subsequent politcal and social responses. Students throughout VCA and University of Melbourne, as well as artsts, performers and mentors have been invited to be part of this discussion.
The closing night is going to be a lively one, with food and drink, music, song, an artist’s talk and an interactive panel discussion.
4:30pm Smoking Ceremony
5:00pm Arst’s Talk by Kate Daw
5:45pm Song by John Wayne Parsons
6:00pm Panel Discussion
Hope to see you there!

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