I Know You Are, You Said You Are: Gender Stereotypes and Kids (Wheeler Centre) [Melbourne]
I Know You Are, You Said You Are: Gender Stereotypes and Kids (Wheeler Centre) [Melbourne]

Event Information


Monday December 4, 2017
6:15 PM


Level 2, The Wheeler Centre
176 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3004

Auslan Interpreter/s

Linda D'Ornay & Sarah Howell

Language/ Cultural Consultant


This is a free event. Bookings are essential please contact reception on 03 9094 7800 or reception@wheelercentre.com

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SPEAKERS: Nelly Thomas, Rowena Allen, Liana Buchanan, Sami Shah

Hanging upside-down from monkey bars, doing handstands, turning cartwheels – for years schoolyard play for young girls has involved pointless fussing with uniforms. Skirts or dresses aren’t always practical for girls.

The question of school uniforms has featured heavily in the headlines this year but, in terms of gender expectations and kids, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. In what other ways are entrenched ideas around gender limiting all our children and affecting their sense of themselves and their potential? And how can adults counteract stereotypes and be aware of their own biases when talking to kids – in the classroom, at home, on the sporting field and in the playground?

In this conversation, we’ll discuss recent and potential changes in policy as well as day-to-day tips for avoiding the traps of gender expectation. Join us for a practical, clear-eyed conversation about helping kids to be themselves.


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