Musicians for Hearing [Melbourne]
Musicians for Hearing [Melbourne]

Event Information


Sunday August 23, 2015
6:00 PM


The Gasometer Hotel
484 Smith Street
Collingwood, Victoria

Auslan Interpreter/s

Marc Ethan and Susan Emerson

Language/ Cultural Consultant


$15/ $20

Visit website

Musicians for Hearing are proud to present a delectable night of music for your eyes and ears. The collective are out to use their love of music to help people hear it. All proceeds will be donated to NGO All Ears Cambodia, who will use the money to fund an outreach program treating thousands of Cambodians in abject poverty with hearing loss.

To set the crowd in motion will be a line-up of local legends, featuring stalwart and Mild Records alum, Fraser A. Gorman, along with Melbourne’s irresistible beats duo, ALTA, and the smooth falsetto electronic of crowd favourites, LANKS.

As the olive in their martini, all music on the night will be interpreted live into Auslan by Auslan Stage Left. In this way, Musicians for Hearing hope to offer music to the Deaf community, and in return, sign language to the hearing.

Location Map