Home ▹ Shows List ▹ MWF: Sir Salman Rushdie: Freedom to Write [Melbourne]
Event Information
Thursday August 28, 2014
6:30 PM
Dallas Brooks Centre
300 Albert St
East Melbourne,
Auslan Interpreter/s
Cheryl Sandilands & Sarah Howell
Language/ Cultural Consultant
Freedom of expression can be a dangerous idea. Sir Salman Rushdie knows this first hand, and his commitment to freedom of expression is woven into his work and life. As Australia grapples with its own discussion about freedom of speech, we welcome Salman Rushdie to Melbourne Writers Festival and the Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney to speak about major themes in his writing, his life and the contemporary world: freedom of expression, religion, pop culture, current events, East-West relations and the role of the artist in shaping our understanding of the world.