Queer Family Portraits [Melbourne]
Queer Family Portraits [Melbourne]

Event Information


Saturday February 4, 2017
2:00 PM


Arts House – Festival Club
521 Queensberry Street
North Melbourne, VIC 3051

Auslan Interpreter/s

Erin Gook & Benjamin Souter

Language/ Cultural Consultant


FREE but you need to register

Visit website

Presented by Midsumma and Arts House. Curated by Lz Dunn and Karen Therese.

Whether you love or tolerate your own, families come in all shapes and sizes and from across the entire spectrum of the rainbow.

In our post-binary gender-fluid world, what can we learn from the generations above and below us? And what does ‘family values’ mean for those of us flying with our flock somewhere over the rainbow?

Arts House and Midsumma invite you to a family get-together with local LGBTQIA+ artists to think through what a Queer Family Portrait might look like. An afternoon of short works, presentations and discussions for the whole rainbow; bring a plate, bring your kids, your parents, your siblings, your pets, your tribe and anyone you love for a celebration and inquiry into what family means today.

Free event but bookings required.

Location Map