Home ▹ Shows List ▹ Radiance [Sydney]
Event Information
Saturday February 7, 2015
2:00 PM
Upstairs Theatre
25 Belvoir Street
Surrey Hills,
Auslan Interpreter/s
Michelle Maguire & Rosemary Profilio
Language/ Cultural Consultant
Joanna Agius
Louis Nowra’s Radiance is an exuberant black sabbath for three great Indigenous dames. It begins conventionally enough: Mae, Nona and Cressy gather at the old Queenslander in the tropics for Mum’s funeral. But these three sisters are forces of nature, and they haven’t been in the same room for years, and years. It isn’t long before that old house can’t contain the joy and pain of them all being together again…
Watch the Auslan Post by Auslan Stage Left.