Event Information
Friday December 1, 2017
4:00 PM
Newport Community Hub
13 Mason Street
Newport , VIC 3015
Auslan Interpreter/s
Linda D'Ornay
Language/ Cultural Consultant
To celebrate international day of people with a disability (IDPWD)! This is an unplugged relaxed pop up street music gig and people on who will be heading home for the weekend after work will see this live gig! A fun bit of free entertainment for a Friday afternoon!
The event celebrates diversity through music and the Hacketts will play at the Newport Community Centre.
This is a unique way to challenge preconceptions of disability, educate and raise awareness of disability issues and IDPWD itself.
The Hacketts + Daniel Munnery with Stephen Richards are surprising commuters with a pop-up.
Proudly hailing from Melbourne’s West, The Hackkets are a band made up of members with and without disability, brought together more than twenty years ago as part of FCAC’s ArtLife program. The band is made up of Stuart Flenley, Peter Tollhurst, Victoria Cini, Dan Parsons, Robin Waters, Joe Vella and Andrew Pagenella.
Daniel Munnery is a resident composer at FCAC as part of the ArtLife program. Daniel’s work has featured in Winter Labryrinth, Citizen Reporter and How About a Rainbow?. Daniel will be performing with sound artist Stephen Richards.
WHEN: Friday 1 December, 4pm – 6pm
VENUE: Newport Railway Station
COST: Free
Venue: https://goo.gl/maps/167xYSEE8uL2
Lead Metro Access