Sublime Stim (Exhibition Opening) [Melbourne]
Sublime Stim (Exhibition Opening) [Melbourne]

Event Information


Saturday August 5, 2023
4:00 PM


Arts House
521 Queensberry St
Melbourne, Victoria 3051

Auslan Interpreter/s

Nay King & Ilana Gelbert

Language/ Cultural Consultant


Visit website

An exhibition of film, music, puppetry and installations celebrating Autistic culture, stim vocabulary and the beauty of neurodiversity. 

Do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? Ever find yourself twirling your hair or drumming your fingers? Then you have been sensory seeking in a process-based way. 

Although all people sensory seek, the practice of developing this as a repetitive action for self-regulation and comfort is more pronounced in the Autistic community. This is called stimming. 

Throughout their Warehouse Residency, Mishka hosted workshops, conducted interviews and collaborated with over 65 people from the Autistic and non-autistic community to explore stimming through artmaking, puppetry, music jams and outsider questionnaires that reclaimed the lens of neuro-testing.  

Sublime Stim is the culmination of their explorations of reclaiming autonomy through regulating practices. A collective stim through the body of their community. 

It features a gallery of brain artworks, sound and tactile installations, the premiere of a short film, improvised music performance exploring stim as sound and much more. 

This is an event where everyone is invited to express beautiful aspects of Autistic culture.  

Come as you are, express as you feel, stim and respond in any way that is safe for you and others. 



Alongside the exhibition, Sublime Stim comprises three special events. All are free and everyone is welcome.

Exhibition Opening – Saturday 5 August, 4 – 6pm 

Celebrate Sublime Stim at the free opening event and experience live ‘stim’ music improvisation by Mishka, Aarti Jadu, Mish Szekelyhidi, Zoë Barry and Evelyn Ida Morris. 

Book here

Artist Talk – Wed 9 August, 1pm – 2.30pm 

Delve into the political motivations behind Sublime Stim at Mishka’s artist talk and learn more about their process creating the exhibition with collaborators. 

Book here

Sublime Stim Performance – Saturday 19 August, 4pm – 6pm 

Experience a range of short artistic creations, from music, dance and creative stim expressions to spoken word and puppetry, at an intimate performance event. 

Book here

Location Map