Home ▹ Shows List ▹ Writing Live Subjects: The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Biography (Sydney Writers’ Festival) [Sydney]
Event Information
Saturday May 21, 2016
10:00 AM
Sydney Dance 1
Pier 4/5, Hickson Rd
Walsh Bay, NSW 2065
Auslan Interpreter/s
Rhonda Ryde
Language/ Cultural Consultant
They say you can’t defame the dead, but obviously the living are a whole other matter. So why would anyone choose to write a biography of someone who is still alive? And what’s the worth of such an enterprise? Martin Flanagan, Catharine Lumby and Kerry O’Brien bring their wealth of experience to this discussion with Margot Saville about the challenges, perks and pitfalls of writing about the living, looking at issues such as the dangers and benefits of getting too close – or not close enough.